Fishing Slot & Creel Limits
Updated September 15, 2021
Bass – Slot & Creel Limits
All bass 12 inches and over must be returned to the pond
Bass less than 12 inches have a creel limit of 4 bass per day per angler.
Bluegill (Panfish) – Creel Limit
Bluegill (panfish) have a creel limit of 5 bluegill per day per angler.
Do Not return crappies of any size to the pond.
Rainbow Trout - Creel Limit
Rainbow Trout - Creel Limit
Rainbow Trout have a creel limit of 4 trout per day per angler.
Triploid Carp
Triploid Carp
Triploid carp are in the pond to control weeds. Do not remove these fish
Any Other Species
There are no limits on any other species.
Stocking Trout in the Pond, November 1, 2021

For information: pond@lcciwla.org